The Magic of Docker Compose: Transforming Project Setups

Simplify your life with Docker Compose

Apr 23 2024 | 16 minute read

web dev

In some of my recent full-stack projects, I've been using Docker Compose to simplify my project setup. Instead of downloading PostgreSQL, aligning it with the project's authentication scheme, tagging it to prevent conflicts with other projects, setting up the cache layer or other services, and building backend services, I run just one simple command:

My 100DaysOfCode Challenge

A review of my 100DaysOfCode challenge

Jan 01 2023 | 8 minute read

web dev

For my #100DaysOfCode challenge on twitter I decided to make a UI framework similar to vue.js (terrible idea). For day 1 it started simple with learning about reactivity, a short read of this great blog post by Tan Li Hau I had a basic trackable object function in the script.js file. For day 2 I had covered a few more things in the UI framework world, I had a templating system, a basic virtualDOM-like implementation, a different reactive prop function from siddharth, and we had a basic click directive working, great work so far.

Rebuilding my personal website!

My experiences with nuxtjs 3 and tRPC

Jan 01 2023 | 2 minute read

web dev
nuxtjs 3

For the past month I've been quietly rebuilding my portfolio site, designing and building a new site. My previous site was bland and dull, this one is like a whole new world. The old site was just a two colors that don't even go well together, it was clear to me that was no way to present myself. So about halfway though november I started fresh, with Nuxt3 and a whole lot of insomnia in my possession I went to figma to design my new site.

Running a qbittorrent webserver!

My experience with a qbittorrent webserver

Mar 07 2022 | 2 minute read

Web server

Recently, I started running a qbittorrent webserver on my raspberry pi 4B+ using this docker image, It has been quite a journey. First, I started looking for a way to run a qbittorrent in a container, this is how I run all the applications on my raspberry pi and I inevibly asked in the Arch linux discord server and I got a reply from @runsamok on discord and they reccomend the docker image I mentioned earlier.

Why I chose archlinux

All of my reasons for choosing archlinux

Mar 07 2022 | 2 minute read


I started using linux about 3 years ago, I started with Pop!_OS but after that I switched to fedora, then Zorin which is still the most beautiful out of the box linux distro I have ever used. After that howerver, I switched to arch and I've been on my misadventure's with arch for about 2 years now. I have a very minimalist approach to linux, trying to save as much space as possible save as much computer power as possible, arch being an extremely minimal install of linux was great for me.

What I've been doing

Stuff I've been doing recently

May 21 2022 | 3 minute read

web dev
fullstack development

So I have been working on a social media site I am currently calling snowballsocial, so far I have users, posts, replies, and likes. Expressjs not having HTTP/2 is slightly annoying and I have kind of thought migrating all of my code to hapi but I'm too lazy to migrate all my code right now, especially since I just "asyncified" it, remaking my code rather than making all new code would probably be easier but I'll do that later.

How I made my site fast

How I made my social media site fast

May 22 2022 | 3 minute read

web dev
fullstack development

So yesterday I talked about my social media site that I'm working on. Today I implemented redis, a memory store that I used to reduce requests at most by 48ms. First when I tried to use redis I just used the redis package off of npmjs because it only makes sense but when I tried to get a key with the name of user-cache-[userId] It failed for some reason, I still dont know why it failed but using the ioredis package and everything started working, not user data processing, what I used redis to cache since it's a terrible for loop that executes database requests for every post, but now it's all stored in memory.